The LORD has chosen Zion, He has desired it for His dwelling. Psalm 132:13

'New Testament' Tagged Posts (Page 14)

Effective Prayers

Surely God does not hear an empty cry, nor does the Almighty regard it. Job 35:13 Let us examine our hearts, correct our thoughts, and make our prayers effective! Job 35:13 states, “Surely God does not hear an empty cry, nor does the Almighty regard it.” Throughout life’s journey, we face many challenges and difficulties, which can often leave us feeling helpless…

The benefits of meditating on His goodness.

when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; Psalm‬ ‭63‬:‭6 By meditating on God’s goodness, even in the stillness of the night, we find peace and comfort in the knowledge that He provides for us. With God’s protection and help, we can sing for joy and proclaim His love and grace with joyful…