The LORD has chosen Zion, He has desired it for His dwelling. Psalm 132:13

Our Strength and Salvation

O LORD, be gracious to us…be their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble. Isaiah 33:2

May this be our prayer every morning, for every day is a new day filled with new hope, new experiences, new commitments, and new challenges. We need His grace to be sufficient for us as we lead the day. We praise God for His sacrifice on the cross, through which we have received the grace of God, not through our good works.

How blessed it is to have the arm of the Lord, just as a child is confident, bold, and strong when held by the father. The child trusts in the arm of the father. The Lord is our ultimate Father, our savior in times of trouble. Consider running to Him at any moment, for He is a gracious God who is ready to be with you.

May you have a blessed day leaning on His arm.